2016 Youth State Tournament – 10th Annual (50th Year Celebration)

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many workers in the Anderson Association that contributed to our 10th Annual SC USBC Championship Tournament for 2016 (Our 50th Year Celebration).  They performed many duties from check-in to selling picture for the photographers but most of all they gave their time to help give you and us a great tournament experience.  Thanks to Boulevard Lanes (Team and Singles/Doubles Event) for being great host to the workers and the participants.

A thank you also to the coaches for all you do week in and week out in your local associations.  Also thanks for the tremendous efforts you expend in supporting our many programs at the state level like Scholarship, Pepsi and the State Tournament.  Without the efforts of the coaches and the support of the parents, these programs would not continue to be a success.

***** Special Note:  Rule 6 states the following:  “A bowler may bowl once in each event and may substitute once (Team and Doubles) but their first set in each event (Team, Doubles and Singles) will count toward All Events.  ALL BOWLERS WILL BOWL A 3 GAME SERIES IN EACH EVENT.  An entrant bowling in the Doubles Event must bowl in the Singles and vice-versa.”  Once I realized this, I called USBC and they did not hesitate in saying the second time anyone bowled singles in the tournament would not count.  The last sentence about an entrant bowling in the Doubles Event must bowl in the Singles and vice-versa, applies to the initial entry.  Next year we are going to have to be diligent about making sure our bowlers are allowed to bowl only one time in Singles.  The tournament staff will do our best in this respect and ask for the help of the coaches, parents and bowlers.

Cover Letter – Explains awards

Names Awards Mailed to By Association

                          Prize List

Prize List – Team Center Plaques – Page 1 and 2

Prize List – Scratch Winners – Team, Doubles, Singles – Page 3

Prize List – President and Youth Leader Awards – Page 3

Prize List – Team and Doubles Event – Page 4

Prize List – Team Members of winning teams – Page 5

Prize List – Singles Event – Page 6

Prize List – All Events Scratch – Page 7

Prize List – All Events Handicap – Page 8











Updated: November 1, 2016 — 4:13 pm