2019 Youth State Tournament Final Results

Sandy Wallace, the tournament director, has provided the following final results for the 13th Youth State Tournament which was held in the Upstate (Greenville) Association.  It should be noted that bowlers can win All Events Handicap or All Events Scratch but not both.  We solicit your help in reviewing the list of winners and notifying us of any misspellings.

The following information is provided so you will know how awards are awarded to the bowlers.  The tournament will consist of six (6) divisions in the team (4 people) and doubles events and may consist of all boys, all girls or mixed boys and girls.  Handicap awards will be given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.  Scratch awards will be given to the overall high scratch Team, Doubles, Boys Singles and Girls Singles.  All bowlers will compete in their own average division in singles and all events and separate awards for these events will be given to boys and girls.  Awards will be given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for all events scratch within each of the six (6) divisions.  An individual may not win both a handicap and scratch award.  When an individual qualifies for both awards that individual will receive the highest award earned.  If awards are equal the scratch award will be given.  A center plaque will be given for each first place team.

13th Youth State Tournament Final Results for 2019:

Overall Scratch Awards/President and Youth Leader Awards



Girls Singles Boys Singles

All Events Scratch Girls All Events Handicap Girls

All Events Scratch Boys All Events Handicap Boys

2019 Youth State Tournament Complete Listing

Updated: January 22, 2025 — 5:29 pm