Jerry Dumph

The following information is from the Hall of Fame application:  Jerry has bowled for 34 (9 in South Carolina) years beginning in 1945.  She maintained perfect attendance for 28 straight years, sometimes bowling in five leagues.  She has held continuous membership in NWBW since 1960 and was contributing staff writer in “First Venture” winning publication in 1963.  She worked with AJBC most Saturday mornings from 1951-1961.  She coordinated Brunswick “Learn to Bowl” program for nearly 1 1/2 years in 70-Lane house and YWCA &YMCA with average class numbering around 100 men and women, then served as League organizer.  She served as Local President of 6000+ membership of South Bend, Indiana WBA (1960-1964) and was privileged to have Pearl Switzer (1973 WIBC Hall of Fame Meritorious Award Winner) as Secretary and together championed BVL cause to the second highest contributions in the nation in 1962.  Her bowling shoes are seven years older than SCWBA!!

Updated: September 21, 2016 — 4:33 pm