Chamroeun “Chin” Lek

A man with a beard and mustache wearing white shirt.
Chin Lek was presented his plaque in his association.

Chin moved to SC in 1990, he started bowling at age 23. Chin has a son Rico he enjoys fishing, volleyball, working with gadgets and of course bowling. Chin supports all three bowling Centers in our local association. Chin Lek is currently a member of Carolina Foothills USBC Association, formerly Spartanburg USBC. Chin has recorded over 30 – 300 Games & 17 recorded 800 Series. He won Southeaster Doubles title. He has bowled in numerous tournaments throughout the State of South Carolina, participated in the National Tournaments. Last season Chin bowled in 5 leagues. Chin has been inducted into the Spartanburg USBC Hall of Fame for his bowling achievements. Congratulations to Chin under the Bowling Achievement category.

Updated: January 22, 2025 — 5:29 pm