The Superlative Awards for the 2020-2021 season are due to Dave Bowers, the Recording Secretary, by March 10, 2021. The following information is being provided to assist you in submitting your candidates for this year’s superlative awards. As noted in the letter below bowlers must have bowled at least two-thirds of the scheduled league games […]
2020 Hall of Fame Meeting (replaces the Jamboree)
The South Carolina Association 2020 Fall Meeting/Workshops/Hall of Fame/Awards program dinner will be held October 3, 2020 in Spartanburg at Hampton Inn and Suites/1881 Event Hall 805 Spartan Blvd., Spartanburg, SC 29301 (you can walk to the Event Hall) from 9:00 am to Noon; and then from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. SCUSBC Hall of […]
14th Youth State Tournament Unofficial Results as of 8-19-2020
Sandy Wallace sent an email as follows: “I want to thank each of you for all your hard work in coordinating your Youth bowlers for this years tournament. I know this was not easy. Attached you will find the unofficial standings. Just a reminder we will award 3 places in each event. Bowlers may not […]
14th Youth State Tournament Unofficial Results as of 8-12-2020
Sandy Wallace has provided the unofficial results for the first weekend. Some bowlers in the data base with the wrong gender and gender changes have to be made on a local level and then imported into our state data base. Division 4 Singles Girls leader is Jadeyn Surprenant, Greater Charleston USBC with a 469. Unofficial […]