Shirley has been bowling since 1972. She has been a member of the Spartanburg and Gaffney bowling associations. She has served on both boards and worked with the youth for over 26 years. She has been a delegate to the National and State conventions. She has served on many committees in her years on the […]
Category: Combined
Marge Robison
Marge was a kind, very caring and patient coach. Often staying after the league session was over to help coach kids while they practiced. She served on numerous committees during her time on the board, most notably Tournament and Scholarship. She was very professional in her dealing with the bowling proprietors, parents and fellow board […]
Todd Richerson
Shirley Miller
Barbara Kennedy
Barbara has been in the local association for 33 years and with the youth for 32 years. She started bowling in the Wednesday morning league in the Pee Dee Association. Rose Hardee, Treasurer of the youth program in Florence asked Barbara to bring her boys to bowl on Saturday morning. She walked in one morning […]
Jerry Hill
Jerry started bowling in 1980. He has worked from the very beginning with the local association as a director and has served as President, Vice President of the Greater Charleston Bowling Association. Then Jerry started to become more involved by serving on the State level. He was President, Vice President for the South Carolina State […]