She has been a member of the S.C. Women’s Bowling Association for 22 years. She began her bowling career in 1982 at the Anderson Bowling Center. Since that time, she has participated in 15 SCWBA Championship Tournaments and all of the Anderson City Tournaments except 1. She was made a member of the AWBA Hall of Fame, April 2001.
Darlene has bowled in numerous leagues and won many league awards including High Game, High Series, High Average and Most Individual Points won in the Ladies Classic Scratch League.
She participated in the LPBA Regional and CASBA Tournaments in the mid and late 1980’s. Her fondest memory from a CASBA Tournament in Rock Hill is 15 strikes in a row in sanctioned tournament play without bowling a perfect game. This earned her an article in the local newspaper.
Darlene is a member of the 225 Master and supports the State 600 Club. She has had several top finishes in the Masters. Once the high qualifier after 6 games and also high tournament game. She finished 1st (1988) and 2nd (1987) in the SCWBA Ladies Classic Tournament.
She has been a member of the Anderson WBA All City Team all the years of its existence but 1. She has maintained a 190+ average for at least 4 consecutive years and has a 200+ average in the Ladies Classic League, Summer of 2000. She had only one weekly series under 600. She as carrying a 208 average during this season’s league.
Darlene has had fifteen 275+ games, twelve 700+ series with a high career series of 728 and high career game of 279.
Darlene has earned Bowler of the Month, Star Game and Century Series Awards. Her AWBA City Tournament awards include All Events Scratch (1984) (1983), High Scratch Game (1984) for a 264, (1995) for a 248; High Scratch Series (1984) for a 632; All Events Handicap Title (1984) for a 2039.
In addition to her bowling accomplishments, Darlene has served as President of the Ladies Scratch League for 15+ years, also Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. She is a past director (3 years) and Treasurer (2 years) of the Anderson YABA. A certified Coach from 10-pin University and Past YABA Coach (3 years). She has also served on the lane certification committee. She has worked with fund-raising for the youth program for many years.
Darlene is known for her great sportsmanship in the game of bowling. Her dedication to the game is admirable. She has introduced her children to the game and takes them to league play each Saturday. She has always displayed a lady like attitude on the lanes and is committed to doing a good job on and off the bowling lanes.
This year being the best in her bowling career, Darlene has dedicated this season in Memory of her Father, Jake Johnson. We welcome Darlene as a member of the SCWBA Hall of Fame