Edward J. “Boots” Bellamah

Bobby Knuckley, nephew of “Boots” Bellamah writes:


“To the junior bowlers of Columbia, SC, Edward Bellamah was known as “Uncle Boots”.  This special person began devoting many hours to the city’s junior program in 1952.  In 1960, he was appointed as liaison between the Greater Columbia Bowling Association and the junior bowlers participating in the city.  In 1973, Uncle Boots was honored with selection to the GCBA Hall of Fame as recognition of general service to the bowling community for over twenty years.  He devoted many, many hours to the city’s junior program and is credited with starting many of the outstanding young bowlers in Columbia in the game.  He taught junior bowlers as a certified coach instructor for over 35 years.


“I have never known anybody that loved junior bowlers as much as he did.  They were his whole life.  He became everybody’s “Uncle Boots”, because he not only taught them how to bowl, he also touched their hearts.  It was easy for children to listen to him because he always had a smile for them and gentle warmth.


“Uncle Boots was at the bowling alley every single day.  He was a confirmed bachelor that truly loved each an every child with his whole heart.  Even as they grew to become teenagers and then to adults, they would come back again and again for help with their game.  He had a special gift as an instructor, and turned many below average bowlers into great bowlers.  But perhaps even more important, he turned many little boys and girls into young men and women.  I should know because I was one of those little boys!”

Updated: November 25, 2015 — 11:30 am