George Lidlow

A man with a beard and mustache wearing white shirt.
George Lidlow inducted by Kasey Maddox

George and his wife Lorraine live in Williamston SC and has
been a nationally sanctioned bowler for 61 years bowling in
Anderson for the past 15 years.
He has competed in many ABC/USBC tournaments and has
received recognition for 25- and 30-year increments of
participation as a sanctioned bowler.
George has received awards for 300 games, 11 in a row game
and 700 series.
He has bowled in the Senior league for the past 15 years and
continues to average 200 for the past 15 years
He is a member of the Anderson USBC Bowling Association
Hall of Fame. Congratulations to George on being inducted
into the South Carolina Hall of Fame under Pioneer
Achievement category.

Updated: January 22, 2025 — 5:29 pm