George Lidlow

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George and his wife Lorraine live in Williamston SC and hasbeen a nationally sanctioned bowler for 61 years bowling inAnderson for the past 15 years.He has competed in many ABC/USBC tournaments and hasreceived recognition for 25- and 30-year increments ofparticipation as a sanctioned bowler.George has received awards for 300 games, 11 in a row gameand […]

Annual Seniors Tournament – 2021

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The 2021 Annual Senior Tournament, Open & Ladies Handicap Championship Tournament is being hosted by the Carolina Foothills USBC Association and held at Paradise Lanes, 469 E. Blackstock Road, Spartanburg, SC 29301, telephone 864-576-0066.  The dates are November 6th, 7th, 13th, 14th, 2021. Early entries close October 15, 2021 and other entries accepted after that.  […]