Search Results for – "Mary "

Lloyd Akers

L Akers

Lloyd Akers started his quest in youth bowling in 1973 as President Central Solano CA YABA, Secretary/Treasurer Soesterberg MBA 1975-77 and Director Shaw MBA since 1994.  He also served in Tucson, Arizona.  Lloyd has served the sate board on many committees and has been a director since 1982.  On the local level at Shaw, Lloyd […]

Jean Hammond Whitfield

The following information is from the Hall of Fame application:  Currently Jean is Laurens County WBA Director, Laurens County JBA Secretary/Treasuerer, 225 Masters Director, SC 600 Club Director and SCWBA Nominating Committee.  Previously, Jean served as Laurens County WBA President – 6 years; Vice President – 2 years and Secretary – 3 years.  Previous SCWBA […]