Tommy Farmer was inducted by Shawn Thompson When my parents first took me bowling in 1984,1 am sure they did not know they sparked my love for this sport then and there. By the end of that year, I entered my first tournament at Shaw Air Force Base in Sumter, South Carolina, and won a […]
Category: Pee Dee
Dennis Lane, Sr.
Dennis Lane, Sr. inducted by Hall of Fame member Sandy Wallace DennisLaneSr. loved bowling on Thursday nights in the “big money†league as he called it. When his oldest daughter, Corrie, was 10 years old, he signed her up for Youth Bowling on Saturday mornings at All Star Lanes in Florence, SC. He wanted to […]
James “Barney” Mattenson
James “Barney†Mattenson started his bowling as a youth in New Jerseywhere he lived with his parents until he graduated in 1966. After graduation hemoved to Florence, SC to start up Carbide with family members. In September1968, he joined the US Army where he proudly served his country and servedin the Vietnam war. During this […]
Ricky McKnight
Barbara Brunson
Barbara Kennedy
Barbara has been in the local association for 33 years and with the youth for 32 years. She started bowling in the Wednesday morning league in the Pee Dee Association. Rose Hardee, Treasurer of the youth program in Florence asked Barbara to bring her boys to bowl on Saturday morning. She walked in one morning […]