Michael started bowling at age 5. He has been bowling for 45 years in both the Spartanburg and Greenville associations in multiple leagues each week. He is currently a member of the Carolina Foothills USBC Association.
He married Sharee 7 years ago and they have 5 children and 4 grandchildren.
Michael’s recorded achievements include 25 – 800 Series; 11 – 11 in a row; 5 – 299 Games and 25 – 300 Games. Michael’s recorded highest average is 235 and highest series 848. In 1992, he was the State Amateur Champion, Top 24 at the Nationals for Team USA, a PBA member from 1999 until 2007, and has a career earnings over $37,000.
Michael says, “his greatest bowling achievement was winning PBA regional in his hometown area of Simpsonville, SC”. Michael has earned Upstate Bowler of the Year multiple times and Carolina Foothills USBC Bowler of the Year. Michael was inducted into the Carolina Foothills USBC Hall of Fame in 2018.
Michael loves spending time with his family and making lasting memories.
Congratulations Michael Painter on being inducted into the South Carolina Hall of Fame under the Bowling Achievement Category.