The 2021 Annual Senior Tournament, Open & Ladies Handicap Championship Tournament is being hosted by the Carolina Foothills USBC Association and held at Paradise Lanes, 469 E. Blackstock Road, Spartanburg, SC 29301, telephone 864-576-0066. The dates are November 6th, 7th, 13th, 14th, 2021. Early entries close October 15, 2021 and other entries accepted after that. […]
2021 Senior Tournament Unofficial Results as of 11-10-2021
The 2021 Annual Senior Tournament, Open & Ladies Handicap Championship Tournament is being hosted by the Carolina Foothills USBC Association and held at Paradise Lanes, 469 E. Blackstock Road, Spartanburg, SC 29301, telephone 864-576-0066. The dates are November 6th, 7th, 13th, 14th, 2021. Early entries close October 15, 2021 and other entries accepted after that. […]
James “Barney” Mattenson
James “Barney†Mattenson started his bowling as a youth in New Jerseywhere he lived with his parents until he graduated in 1966. After graduation hemoved to Florence, SC to start up Carbide with family members. In September1968, he joined the US Army where he proudly served his country and servedin the Vietnam war. During this […]
Paul Cole
Paul and his wife Sherry Kelly have been married for 23 years. They metat the bowling center through a mutual friend even though Sherry wasnot an avid bowler. He has owned a home design business for over 30years.Paul has been a member of the USBC for over 40 years. He startedbowling when he was a […]
Jay Pike
Charles Lee Thompson
Charles has been married to his high school sweetheart for over39 years. He retired from Michelin IMA May 31, 2019, after 22years of service. Charles has served as President on the LocalAnderson board for 15 years. Charles was inducted into thelocal Hall of Fame in 2005. Charles has bowled in over 40 SCUSBC State Tournaments. […]